Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tribes Competition Heating Up!

There is under a week left to score points for your Tribe! There has been a significant change to the leaderboard from yesterday:

  1. 10 Kings-------------------------------863
  2. Adam’s Angels-----------------------771
  3. Mamasois------------------------------743
  4. Obadiah’s Oompa Loompas-------670
  5. Alpha Dogs----------------------------641
  6. Naked Mole Rats---------------------464
Don't be discouraged if your team is behind, there is still plenty you can do to earn you team points!

Helpful Hints to Earn Points:

1) Below is a list of school supply items. Your tribe will be rewarded 5 points for each item they bring in! I will up the ante and give 50 bonus points if your Tribe brings in at least one of each item on the list!

2) No Tribe has completed every Scavenger Hunt item. Finish up gathering your photos and send them to Logan! Some tribes haven't brought any of the gathered items in; they are easy points to earn for your Tribe.

3) DO YOUR TRIBE BOOK DEVOS AND GATHERING SECTIONS! These books take the average score of individual tribe members. There are nearly 500 points on the line with your guidebooks! Encourage your Tribe members to complete the books and turn them in Wednesday!

4) Memory work is HUGE! Remember that the selected segments are worth 3 times than the book value which adds up to a whopping total of 1035 possible points! Open up your Bible and start memorizing, these verses can be a game changer in life as well as help win this competition!

5) Bring A-game for the challenges tomorrow! This is the last time your Tribe will be able to test its mettle and earn some much needed points.

Final Notes

Food is provided tomorrow night! We will eat around 7 pm. If you have any lawn chairs, please bring them! 

Starting at 8:30, we will have a bonfire where we will roast marshmallows. This is optional if you need to leave at 8:30. If you plan to stay around the bonfire, we will dismiss at 9.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Tribes Information

Tribes has almost come to an end. I am pleased that many of you were able to participate this summer. Please note that as of today, July 21st, the point totals are as follows.

  1. Adam's Angels--------------------- 751
  2. Mamasois---------------------------723
  3. Obadiah's Oompa Loompas -----670
  4. Alpha Dog's--------------------------641
  5. 10 Kings------------------------------623
  6. Naked Mole Rats------------------464

Remember that you need to turn in your Tribal Guidebook on Wednesday, July 23rd. Be sure to fill out your devotionals so I can score them appropriately.

I will accept Scavenger Hunt Items until Sunday, July 27th.

In terms of collecting Items, Each Item is worth 5 points. You have until July 27th to turn in your gathered supplies. We are expanding our items list to school supplies to assist the CCC school supply giveaway that will take place Sunday, August 3rd from 5:30-6:30 pm.

Here are the items you may bring:

·      notebooks-single subject and 3 subject
·      loose-leaf paper        
·      pencils                      
·      crayons
·      glue sticks
·      scissors
·      pocket folders

·      washable markers/colored pencils

See you Wednesday, July 23rd. We are meeting in the back parking lot of Woodlawn Christian Church.