Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tribes Competition Heating Up!

There is under a week left to score points for your Tribe! There has been a significant change to the leaderboard from yesterday:

  1. 10 Kings-------------------------------863
  2. Adam’s Angels-----------------------771
  3. Mamasois------------------------------743
  4. Obadiah’s Oompa Loompas-------670
  5. Alpha Dogs----------------------------641
  6. Naked Mole Rats---------------------464
Don't be discouraged if your team is behind, there is still plenty you can do to earn you team points!

Helpful Hints to Earn Points:

1) Below is a list of school supply items. Your tribe will be rewarded 5 points for each item they bring in! I will up the ante and give 50 bonus points if your Tribe brings in at least one of each item on the list!

2) No Tribe has completed every Scavenger Hunt item. Finish up gathering your photos and send them to Logan! Some tribes haven't brought any of the gathered items in; they are easy points to earn for your Tribe.

3) DO YOUR TRIBE BOOK DEVOS AND GATHERING SECTIONS! These books take the average score of individual tribe members. There are nearly 500 points on the line with your guidebooks! Encourage your Tribe members to complete the books and turn them in Wednesday!

4) Memory work is HUGE! Remember that the selected segments are worth 3 times than the book value which adds up to a whopping total of 1035 possible points! Open up your Bible and start memorizing, these verses can be a game changer in life as well as help win this competition!

5) Bring A-game for the challenges tomorrow! This is the last time your Tribe will be able to test its mettle and earn some much needed points.

Final Notes

Food is provided tomorrow night! We will eat around 7 pm. If you have any lawn chairs, please bring them! 

Starting at 8:30, we will have a bonfire where we will roast marshmallows. This is optional if you need to leave at 8:30. If you plan to stay around the bonfire, we will dismiss at 9.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Tribes Information

Tribes has almost come to an end. I am pleased that many of you were able to participate this summer. Please note that as of today, July 21st, the point totals are as follows.

  1. Adam's Angels--------------------- 751
  2. Mamasois---------------------------723
  3. Obadiah's Oompa Loompas -----670
  4. Alpha Dog's--------------------------641
  5. 10 Kings------------------------------623
  6. Naked Mole Rats------------------464

Remember that you need to turn in your Tribal Guidebook on Wednesday, July 23rd. Be sure to fill out your devotionals so I can score them appropriately.

I will accept Scavenger Hunt Items until Sunday, July 27th.

In terms of collecting Items, Each Item is worth 5 points. You have until July 27th to turn in your gathered supplies. We are expanding our items list to school supplies to assist the CCC school supply giveaway that will take place Sunday, August 3rd from 5:30-6:30 pm.

Here are the items you may bring:

·      notebooks-single subject and 3 subject
·      loose-leaf paper        
·      pencils                      
·      crayons
·      glue sticks
·      scissors
·      pocket folders

·      washable markers/colored pencils

See you Wednesday, July 23rd. We are meeting in the back parking lot of Woodlawn Christian Church. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014



Ok. It really doesn't make that big of difference to me since I am 27 years old and have been out of school for a while now. Although it may not have a huge impact in my day to day life, there is a part of me that enjoys a strange internal vacation whenever summer is here. I recollect memories of playing in the swamp, running around the woods with nothing on but shorts and sneaking into my neighbors pool when they were on vacation.

I possess both a blessing and a curse in that my long-term memory is quite sharp and leaves me with a vivid picture of my life experiences. I still taste the good and smell the bad of things long gone. With that said I don't think there will ever be a better moment in life than right now.

Right now allows me to recall the amazing pleasures of the past and leaves me with the hope of great things to come. I can easily bring back the terrible feelings of loss, heartbreak and hurt; which through much time, prayer and tears taught me some invaluable lessons.

You may scoff at what I say and point out "You have no idea what I am going through!" To an extent you are right! I have no Idea what you are going through! I don't know what it feels like to grow up in your environment or surround myself with the people you chose. I don't know what it feels like look like you, talk like you or be you. I can, however, turn that accusation around and say you have no idea what it feels like to be me.

On the other hand, I know exactly how it feels to be you. I have felt pain, sadness and loss. I have laughed uncontrollably and have been tempted in incredible ways. There is no way we can quantify who has suffered more or experienced more joy. For one person a dog dying would mean a loss of a dear companion, while for another it would be a release from taking care of an obnoxious and intrusive creature.

We share in humanity. In our lives we need a source of hope and joy in sadness. A source of serenity in turmoil. A source of celebration in defeat. I have found that source and I pray that you too may find it. With that source, you too may say with all honesty that today is a day of rejoicing!

Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.
The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to tread on the heights.
-Habakkuk 3:17-19

Monday, May 19, 2014

Last Day of Fuel!

This Wednesday marks the last day of Fuel for the 2013-2014 school year. We are concluding our series titled Entourage with a lesson addressing the importance of an inner circle of friends.

Remember that the girls won our opening game series, therefore, they get to enjoy delicious ice cream desserts during small group time discussions.

Even though Fuel is coming to end, don't think there is nothing going on for CCC Student Ministry this summer. Our Summer Experience called TRIBES is kicking off on June 11th. Be sure to sign up for your team and include your shirt money with the registration form. If you would like to help staff TRIBES you can also register. You can sign up at the booth in the church foyer or by filling out a form and turning it in to Logan. You can find a printable version of this form in the Docs and Forms page on this site.

TRIBES uses teachings from Old Testament History and incorporates community building activities like games, service opportunities, challenges and devotions. Each participant will receive a TRIBES shirt and a tribal guidebook. The guidebook contains devotion, verses and other items that help you gain points for your team. Shirts and guidebooks will be handed out on June 11th.

Graduation Sunday

Yesterday during our graduation Sunday Services, we had the privilege of honoring some remarkable young men and women. These students are mentioned below:
  • Taylor Agathen (Taylor County High School) plans to attend the University of Kentucky.
  • Chris Burch (Taylor County High School) plans to attend Campbellsville University.
  • Robert Combs (Campbellsville High School) plans to attend the University of Kentucky.
  • Logan Dial (Campbellsville High School) plans to attend the University of Louisville.
  • Emily Haley (Campbellsville High School) plans to attend the University of Kentucky.
  • Carlie Hazel (Taylor County High School) plans to attend Campbellsville University.
  • Levi Hill (Taylor County High School) plans to attend Eastern Kentucky University.
  • Weston Horn (Campbellsville High School) plans to attend  BCTC and then the University of Kentucky.
  • Katelyn McMahan (Campbellsville High School) plans to attend Transylvania University.
  • Becca Orberson (Taylor County High School) plans to attend the University of Louisville.
  • Raquel Williams (Taylor County High School) plans to attend Western Kentucky University.
And our College Graduates:
  • Emily Combs from the University of Kentucky with a degree in Psychology
  • McCall Turpin Thacker from the University of Kentucky with a degree in Integrated Strategic Communications.
While it is hard to see loved ones grow older it is amazing to see how much they can accomplish. We didn't just have the opportunity to say goodbye, but we were able to welcome some new faces to our Student Ministry during our 5th Grade banquet:
  • Jake Dicken
  • Hayes Mason
  • Davis Nelson
  • Kacy Perkins
  • Zoie Sidebottom.
I can say on behalf of everyone at CCC that we are so proud of you and can't wait to see what your future holds!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Dwarves, Elves and Magic Scimitars

At an early age I dual wielded-magical swords and struck down countless foes. Starting out, I didn't venture far from home; I kept post pretty close to my house. The call for adventure couldn't remain subdued forever and eventually I trekked further and further away. I would spend hours on end swinging my mighty weapons chopping down goblins, ghouls and ferocious monsters. There wasn't anything that could stand in my way of adventuring glory and valuable treasure. . . until my mom took my magical swords away.

The real scenario goes like this:

1) My magical scimitars were two sticks I found in my back yard.
2) The monsters where dandelions that I chopped down.
3) Chopping down the dandelions over time caused the seeds to spread throughout the neighborhood, causing them to multiply exponentially like some sort of hydra.
4) My neighbors complained to my mom that I caused a widespread dandelion infestation.
5) My mom prevented me from chopping down dandelions bringing peace to the neighborhood.

Morality is a tricky topic. Some think things can be right for some people and wrong for others. If something makes you happy, then you should do it with the caveat that it doesn't negatively effect someone else. The problem with this view is that there is nothing we can do that can guarantee no adverse effects. Think about it. Stealing hurts the victim yet helps the offender. Killing ends a life but has the possibility of ending an oppressive regime or abusive relationship.

When morality is justified on an individual basis the obscure lines of right and wrong create chaos and an unsustainable system. People often criticize religious systems as being oppressive but they bring stability and order; something that is essential for society to function.

My days of swinging scimitars are over. What brought me great pleasure and joy caused frustration to everyone else. At the end of the day the reigning rule was that I must listen to my parents. Case closed, no arguments, problem solved.

What do you think? Can society function safely in moral obscurity? If so, how do we discern which people deserve to be protected and whose rights need to be upheld?

Have a great Thursday!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Starting February 26th:
We are starting a series called Flipped. Below you can find out what we will cover following our Wednesday evening break on February 19th.

We’re Teaching This:
Have you ever had a moment that made you stop and think, "Wow, this changes everything"? Maybe it was finding out you didn’t make the team or that your parents were splitting. Maybe it was finding out you're good at something or bad at something you didn't expect. In these moments our lives change direction quickly. The funny thing is nearly everyone who met Jesus had one of those moments. They came in with a plan, a direction, an identity. And as soon as they spent any time with Jesus, those ideas were turned upside down. And, as we look at four of these stories, we find that an encounter with Jesus has the power to flip our lives as well.

Think About This:
I think most people would agree that one of the more terrifying parts of parenting teenagers is the risk factor. They grow up and the stakes are raised. Their freedom increases but so does the potential fallout from bad choices. Parents are regularly faced with decisions on when to allow their students to forge their freedom and when not to. Unfortunately, we can tend to be overprotective in situations that they may not really need our protection from—and in the name of safety we may be inhibiting them in a way we never intended.

In his blog post, How to Help Your Kids, Live Out Their Story, author, speaker, and dad, Carey Nieuwhoff explains the benefits of letting go of control and trusting God with their story.

My grandfather and grandmother did something amazing. They let my dad live his story, not theirs. They gave up control, protection, and let God write a story in my dad’s life that was independent of their own.

My dad is one of my heroes. He actually did build a new life (in another country), not just for him, but for many others. He was not only a great father, but he ran a company for years, served his entire life in the local church and has left a great legacy of character for his kids and grandkids.
I’m so glad my grandparents swallowed hard and let their son pursue his vision. So, now the question.   
Would you?
In an era of overprotective, slightly controlling parenting, I wonder how many stories like my dad’s aren’t being written. Not because kids aren’t ready to write a story of their own choosing, but because parents are too afraid or unwilling to let them go or take risks.
Great plot lines invite things like drama, risk, mission, and calling. All the things that make parents gulp (and gasp).

And by the way, my dad did see his parents again. He eventually had enough money to go back more than a few times. I even went to Holland with my dad to meet them before they passed away.
As you think about how you might help your kids connect with their own story, here are three things to remember:
1.     Prepare yourself now to release them one day.
2.     Understand that God has your kids on a journey from dependence to independence.
3.     Let them lead (without rescuing them) today to prepare them for tomorrow.
Is there anything you need to let go of today to help create a better future for your child?

From How to Help Your Kids Live Out Their Story, http://orangeparents.org/author/careynieuwhof/

Try This
Sometimes the best two words you can hear are “me too”. No matter what situation you’re in with your teenager, chances are someone around you is in the same place and asking the same questions. Do you know who those people are? Are there other parents that you can connect with on a regular basis in your community?

This month try taking two steps toward connecting with other parents around you.

1.     Find Them. If you’re not sure where to find other parents like you, start by asking the student pastor at your church (or where your teen attends). They can direct you to small groups or environments where you can meet other parents just like you.

2.     Talk to them. Sometimes starting a conversation with someone new can feel awkward. If you’re unsure what to talk about, start with this parentCUE. Say something like, “Hey, did you get that article in the parentCUE? What did you think about it?”  Knowing you already have something in common can open the door to more conversation. If not that, try opening up first. Vulnerability breeds vulnerability. So think of some of things you may have a hard time with when it comes to your student’s independence. And then share it. You may be surprised at what someone shares with you in return.

Get connected to a wider community of parents at www.orangeparents.org.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Student Ministry Update

CCC Student Ministry Update

Over the next few weeks, life goes on and so do the ministries of Campbellsville Christian Church. Here is some valuable information concerning what is happening in the life of our Student Ministry.

Ministry Team Practices Resume

With the Holidays, various retreats, events and me being out of town, our music team and A/V team hasn't been getting together. Beginning January 26, 2014 we will our have worship team meetings on Sundays from 5:00-6:00.

If you are interested in singing, playing an instrument, or running video and sound, please attend this meeting. If you are interested in participating in performing skits, speaking, praying publicly, welcoming guests or planning activities during Fuel, this meeting is for you as well. I hope to get as many students involved in a typical evening of Fuel as possible, so if you are willing to participate in any way to make Fuel a better environment for worship, please come to our ministry team meetings.

Middle School

It seems like its been forever since I've seen my middle school friends for small groups! I can't wait to get started again! Middle School small groups will resume January 26th at 6:30. 

Remember to sign up for CIY-Believe. This will be an amazing experience. You should have received a packet in the mail, but if you didn't or have any questions, contact me.

High School

What are the most significant challenges to your faith? Come prepared to answer this question when High School Small Groups resume January 19th at 6:30.

I will regularly post, so check back frequently for updates and information concerning CCC Student Ministry.


Last night at Fuel we continued to talk about what it means to be Branded. Like many brands, people associate Christians with certain characteristics or stereotypes. As this series continues, we are looking into what we can do to promote the positive brand of Christianity that reflects the love, power and compassion of Jesus.
Philippians 2:3-4 narrows in on the concept of being UNSELFISH. Being unselfish is vital to building trust, being liked, gaining influence and earning respect. This principle of being unselfish can be seen in the superheroes we grew to love as children. A superhero doesn't become well liked, influential, trusted and respected by putting himself first; no, he gains these thing by putting his life on the line for little old ladies crossing the street.

Applying a lifestyle of unselfishness may be difficult but it can be achieved by listening more and associating with the outcasts. You are not too important to hear what others have to say nor are you more valuable than someone because you happen to be more popular.

You will see a difference in your life and become a positive witness for Christ when you place others first. The only way to promote a right understanding for Christianity is to adopt the mindset of our Lord: one that is UNSELFISH. Let's work on being unselfish together so through our witness God can use us to turn the world upside down. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Time to Move

Get up!


These two commands were the dreaded phrases I heard each school day at 6:30 AM. I never needed to set an alarm as a teenager, my dad could wake up a hibernating bear sleeping off a hangover. The longer I waited, the louder and more obnoxious the calls to my room became. There really wasn't much of a choice for me to wake up and move, but nothing felt better than to lie down and rest.

Doing nothing is far easier than moving. I don't remember the last time I got winded watching TV or playing a video game. The same thing is true in taking action in our lives. The easy way is to sit back and let someone else do the work. I don't think a draft dodger has ever been shot in battle, but they surely can't be thanked for protecting civilian freedoms. Sure, MOVING means risk, but without risk there is no reward. We know this concept translates in our work, school, and relationships but we too often sit around and wait for God to move in some burning bush experience before we take our faith in Christ seriously.

Remember that true faith exists when we experience the ordinary, not as a response to the miraculous.
Let's start moving now, for Jesus said in John 20:29 "blessed are those who believe in me and have not seen."My prayer is that we can have a moving faith in Christ before we see God "move" in our lives!

In a couple weeks we are going to focus on our theme of MOVE. Take a look at the Parent  Cue article below to find out the theme in greater detail. As the weeks go by, future themes can be found on this blog. Check back regularly for updates, posts and important information.

MOVE: Parent CUE

1, We’re Teaching this.
Movements are everywhere. “To write love on her arms”, “Tom’s Shoes”, “Livestrong”, “Habitat for Humanity”, and the “End-It Movement”—all of those and hundreds more were created during our lifetime. In fact, one of the traits that this generation is known for is being the most cause-driven, the most movement focused in history. So which movements do we join? How do we start? And how do we move and serve in a way that really matters? Even if we aren’t sure what we think about Jesus, we can learn something from Him about serving the community around us. By His example we learn to MOVE on behalf of others and KEEP MOVING to have a lasting impact.

2. Think About This
Have you ever had a conversation with your teenager that felt like a complete flop? Like your words bounced off a brick wall? You’re probably not alone. Most parents feel incredible pressure to have meaningful conversations with their students, and yet those conversations are met with resistance if not total refusal to engage. This is especially true when it comes to matters of faith—like attending church or serving others. When parents seem willing enough to talk, why is it that teens often feel so resistant to listening?

It may be all in the approach. Many teens feel like every parent-initiated conversation has an agenda. And let’s be honest, they may be right. During the teen years, as parents realize their time with their teen is limited, there is a sense of urgency surrounding all of the life lessons and important conversations that they feel they SHOULD have with their child before college. With the pressure mounting to work in all of these lessons, it is easy for parents to resort to talking at their student instead of talking with them.  While the intentions are good, if the majority of conversations center around a lesson, teens can end up feeling like they don’t measure up. Like their parents care more about “fixing them” or “setting them straight” than they do about connecting with them. Who wants to feel that way all the time?

This sort of dynamic can make conversations about faith even more tricky. It can set up students to feel inadequate and then tune out the parents. And tuned out parents feel equally inadequate and want to stop trying. What a mess!

Helping students live out their faith, helping them develop values and habits they will carry into adulthood is one of the most important parts of a parent’s job. So how do you teach those lessons without running the risk of being shut out? How do you have a conversation without having “a talk”? How do you begin to move forward in your relationship and not backwards?

Maybe the answer is actually to talk less. Remember when they were little and they wanted to play baseball like dad or dress up like mom? Remember how they imitated the way that you talk (maybe a little too much)? While teens don’t make it as obvious, they still take cues about what is important by watching their parents. What you prioritize, what you organize your schedule and budget around will communicate loudly what you believe is important-without ever having to tell them.

So maybe instead of talking about the importance of spending money wisely, you invite them to help you figure out the family budget this month. Maybe instead of working “church” into the conversation, you simply trust that your example, that your commitment, is sending the message. Maybe instead of talking about the importance of serving others, it’s just something you do together.

When you lead with your actions, it takes a lot of pressure off the conversation. And the more conversations you have, without a lesson attached, the more your teen will trust that you like them, as a person. The more they will believe that you think they’re a good person. It might even open the door to more meaningful conversation—because now you’re talking with them and not at them.

3. Try This
Developing a habit of serving, or moving on behalf of others as a family, can seem daunting when family schedules and budgets are already stretched to the max. But serving doesn’t mean that you have to volunteer at a soup kitchen every week or build a well in Africa on your own. Simply meeting one person’s need is a big step and will go a long way in helping your teenager develop an awareness for the needs around him or her.

Choose one elderly neighbor or single mom in your community and invite your student to help you decide on ONE THING you can do for that person. Something as simple as making them dinner and bringing it over could make their day. And every member of the family can be involved. Invite your student to help you decide on the menu, buy the groceries, prepare and deliver the meal.

Serving somewhere every week or every month may not be a possibility for your family, but simply developing an awareness of the needs around you and moving on behalf of one person can help students develop the habit of caring for the world around them.

Get connected to a wider community of parents at www.orangeparents.org.