Monday, December 31, 2012

Transitioning from 2012 to 2013

When you look back...

Celebrate the victories, the accomplishments, the positive changes of the past year, 
and don't forget to
Recognize the failures, the faults, and the regrets.

When you look forward...

Be humble enough to not boast about the victories and accomplishments of 2012,
Protect yourself from the failures, faults, and regrets that held you back in 2012, and
Look far enough that Christ has to help you get where you want to go!

Taking Root,

Friday, December 28, 2012

13 Ways to Make Jesus a Priority in 2013

  1. Spend time asking Him what He would like for you to change or accomplish in 2013.  Actually be open to being challenged to do something you would never have dreamt..
  2. Use Post-it Notes and a Wall to keep up with all the things Jesus teaches you in 2013.  Visual reminders are powerful!
  3. Commit to 1 Family Dinner at Home per Week.  Use that meal time intentionally to talk about your struggles and how Jesus can help the members of your family through them.
  4. Go to Bed 30 minutes earlier so that you can get up 15 minutes earlier.  With that system you get 15 minutes of extra sleep and some intentional time with Jesus!  Looking for a devotional to start?  I recommend My Utmost for his Highest by Oswald Chambers.
  5. Instead of giving your Money to every cause that comes along, choose 1 or 2 and invest both your Time and Money.  When you impact one person or organization in this way, you really start to honor Jesus and show people the impact He can make!
  6. Increase your giving to the church by 1%.  Small faith does big things and choosing to express a little more faith could bring huge blessings.
  7. Find a spot to slow down.  Not vacation slow down, relational time slow down.  Our homes are often too crazy and vacations are often filled with agendas.  Find a spot that allows you to slow down and spend time with God.  Maybe its a park, a restaurant mid-afternoon, or a country drive; wherever it is, expect God to show up!
  8. Seek out Real Accountability.  The group can't be too big; 3-5 is best.  It also needs to be a group that is honest and hungry to grow.  Share life and pray.  See how Jesus responds.
  9. Start Your Day with Prayer.  Not the "O, Lord, I'm overwhelmed, just get me through the day" prayer, but rather a few minutes reflecting on the people and opportunities you will encounter and a few simple requests for guidance and the Spirit's presence.
  10. Fast from 1 Food item for the year.  You do this not to get fit or to make a statement, but rather to be reminded of Jesus.  If you fast from pop, every time you are presented with the opportunity to drink it, you have the chance to think about Jesus.  Good stuff..
  11. Have a Yard Sale.  Our material things shield us from making Jesus a priority.  Have a yard sale (or a giveaway, or a Goodwill donation, or a bonfire...) and reduce your stuff!  Fun to start seeing that Jesus really is all you need.
  12. Get involved in Mentoring Relationships.  If you're a parent, start with your kids.  It's also humbling and good to seek out a mentor for yourself.  If your 16 or 66, there's someone that you can be learning from; and sitting under someone's teaching trains us to be open to the teaching that Jesus needs to do in our lives.
  13. Digest Scripture instead of Reading it.  I'm bracing myself for the onslaught of read the Bible in a year plans that are sure to come flying our way!  If you have 5 minutes, it's often more beneficial to read 10 verses and consider their meaning and application in your life than it is to knock out 2 chapters of reading.  Digesting Scripture takes the focus off of personal accomplishment and shifts it to being changed by Jesus!
Taking Root,

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

May today be as much about His presence as it is about your presents.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Productive Down Time with Your Kids

Holidays bring about extra time with your kids.  Kids never forget it.  It's why the holidays are so special to people.

I came across this article recently by Trevin Wax with some super practical ways to play productively with your kids this Christmas.  Check it out:

5 Ways to Play With Your Kids This Christmas

Taking Root,

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What's Up Wednesday!

Things are slowing down as we take time to celebrate with our families the birth of Jesus!  Here's whats happenin...

  • Tonight is our last night of Wednesday programs until January 9.  All things are as usual except for FUEL where we will be having a tacky sweater Christmas party!
  • Some fun stuff is happening Friday!  Several of our middle schoolers are signed up for a trip to E-town Friday.  Also, high school students are invited to hangout at the Lawyers Friday night at 7:30.
  • Monday is our annual Christmas Eve service!  I love Christmas Eve!  See you there!
Taking Root,

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Details for the Tacky Sweater Christmas Party Tomorrow Night!

Can't wait to have fun with everyone tomorrow night at FUEL!  If you need some tacky sweater inspiration, check out

Taking Root,

Monday, December 17, 2012

This Week's Wins

I'm a sucker for good music so CCC was a good place to be yesterday!  Kudos to all who made it happen!

Some other wins...

Really exciting to see Missy get baptized!  
I'm excited to see what God does in her life and ask that you be praying for her as she walks in her faith!  
(Sorry for the poor picture quality!  Gotta get a front row seat next time!)


CCC knows how to knock out blankets in no-time!  
40+ blankets in an hour!  What a cool way to bless individuals in our community!  I would put a challenge out there for your family to do one together and then deliver it together as well.  Ask God to lead you to someone who needs it!

Like many of you, I've thought and read a TON of things since the shooting in Connecticut.
I wanted to share this article that I thought provided some good biblical perspective on the situation:
School shootings, a world with devils filled, Advent, and Revelation 20

Taking Root,

Friday, December 14, 2012

A Letter from Arman!

Always a great feeling when we get a letter in the mail from our Compassion child, Arman!

Here's what he writes:

Dear Sponsor Student Ministry,

I really thank you for your support and precious prayers, because of that we are alright here.

And I hope that by the grace of God you are also doing good there.

I study good here as well as continuously attending at the project centre.  There I can get chance to learn many things.  All the teachers teach us with much effort.

So please keep on praying for my study and especially my family too.  We are also praying for you all.


Here's a look at the actual letter.

Arman's own handwriting!

He drew us a picture too!
Arman LOVES getting our letters back, so if you would like to write a letter to him, you can write it out and get it to me or email me your note and I will print it out and send them!

Taking Root,

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What's Up Wednesday

  1. Church-Wide Service Project - This Sunday night all of us will get together and serve in a really tangible way.  We're making blankets to donate to individuals and organizations in the community that can put them to good use!  Come join us as we pray for those people and warm up their Christmas!
  2. FUEL Christmas Party - Next Wednesday, December 19, FUEL will be partying it up!  Food and games galore..  Wear your ugly Christmas sweaters if you have one!
  3. Christmas Service, NO Children's Church - This Sunday Billy and the praise team will present a special Sunday of music to celebrate the coming of Christ into the world.  As a result, we will not be having children's church this week.
Taking Root,

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words: What's Yours Saying?

SnapChat is the newest, and scariest, photo sharing option
In an age where smart phones or wi-fi devices are practically an extension of our dominant hand, there's something that's starting to scare me.


Trust me, I'm as knee-deep in this stuff as you are.  What's not to love about online albums and instant sharing with family and friends.  Somewhere in this, we've forgotten an age old proverb that I fear is ringing true louder than ever.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.

Our pictures speak about who we are and what we value.  Sure, I can appreciate the artistic value and the need for someone to express themselves, but remember, your art is a reflection on the artist.

The Evolution of the Dangerous Photo

It didn't take people long to figure out that an online photo of someone at a drunken party or even with someone who had been to a party or making out, etc. was not a positive thing.  Despite the awkwardness of facing friends and family, several reminded us that employers were checking these things.

So it evolved.

Different programs (Facebook-->Twitter-->Instagram-->More!).  Hidden accounts.

Same pictures.  Same online permanence.

Teens quickly figured out sexting and an added layer of privacy was added to it.  Little do most sexters know that they are committing a punishable offense.  Telling that to a few slowed that down.

So it evolved.

Enter SnapChat.  This new app allows photos to be shared and in a matter of moments the image is deleted instantly.  Want to save a copy?  With minimal effort your photo can be snatched and then shared in whatever manner you'd like.  Their considerate though.  It notifies you if someone saved your picture.

I understand that much of it is innocent; however, I can't help but recognize the insanely high amount of temptation and power we are placing in young people's hands.

So What Do We Do?

With the rate at which technology is progressing and adapting, parents must give up trying to outlaw anything potentially dangerous.  If you build a wall, teens WILL figure out how to climb it.  But what we can do is have honest, hard, heart-shaping conversations.

Teens must understand what their self-taken photos or photos they end up in say about them.  They have to understand that technology can take away their right to define themselves.  They must be valued by you as parents so much that they aren't looking for value in the wrong places from the wrong people.

I guess a picture might say it best...

Monday, December 10, 2012

This Week's Wins

Man, I love December.  I enjoy the change of pace and variety that it brings to life.  7 is a Biblical number, so I'm bringing you 7 wins from the week that was.

  1. Shopping with Santa
    From the excitement of Santa to the generous hearts of kids shopping for friends and family to the teens and adults who sacrificed their Saturday morning to make this happen... AWESOMENESS. Check out the cooks in the kitchen before everyone showed up!
  2. Christmas Tree
    A Christmas tree with family ornaments?!?!? Really neat tradition here at CCC.  I was glad to share with my small group family since my family had another engagement!
  3. Tiny Tunes
    Tiny Tunes are always cute, but you had to LOVE those little choir robes!  Great Job to Kari Jo and their small group leaders, Debbie and Jennifer!
  4. The Action Bible
    Seth, our JH Guys small group leader on Sunday nights, was super generous and got each of his guys the Bible you see below.  (Click Here for Amazon Link!) The stories from this week of guys being inspired and diving into God's Word have been nothing short of miraculous!  If you have a young or pre-teen guy, I just made an awesome Christmas gift recommendation!
  5. The Colts
    I can't hold back.. I'm beaming.  My Colts have surprised everyone, including me, and it's been a highlight of my week to see how Andrew Luck is going to pull his team to a victory.  It's inspiring.  For those who are interested in hearing this boy wonder do an interview, here he is on ESPN Radio this morning.
  6. Worm!
    We got a TON of rain yesterday!  It brought the crazy creation you see pictured below into my garage this morning.  God makes some cool stuff!
  7. FUEL Meme
    I had some fun last week with a fun meme site and thought I'd share what went out to the students on instagram last week.  I'm thinking Duck Dynasty this week..
Pancake Chefs!
Family Christmas Tree
Nothin' Cuter than a Tiny Tune!
A MUST-HAVE for your JH Guys!
GIANT Worm! Kate's finger shows you how big...

Taking Root,

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Semester's Worth of Bottom Lines

I thought it would be fun to look back at the bottom lines we've had in FUEL this semester.  Here we go!

  • We're FUELED by something greater.  What FUELS you?
  • Choose to Live by Loving God.
  • Choose to Love and Live for God.
  • If you want to be Rooted, you have to Remain.
  • Haiku:
    Who is Jesus Christ?
    The Gospels tell the Story.
    Life for Believers
  • Choose to find your part in Hi(s)tory.
  • Build Up, Keep In, and Don't Look Down.
  • If I'm hiding, I'm not finding.
  • Masks can change us, but God still claims us!
  • We believe in an unbelievable God!
  • Do your best on this test and trust God with the rest.
  • Be a leader that serves rather than being served.
  • We matter if what matters to us is our moments with God.
  • God cleans up any mess.  Are you willing to step out from the rest?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What's Up Wednesday

Some Important Reminders for this week....

  • TCTC Deposit is Due this Sunday!  A $40 deposit is due this Sunday to hold your spot at TCTC!  If you have questions or need to sign up, contact Blake.
  • Shopping with Santa Helpers Needed! I need several teens to serve at our children's ministry this Saturday from 9-12.  Contact Blake if you are available.
  • Tonight is the last night of our series I Wanna Be in FUEL and great night to invite a friend!  We have 2 weeks of FUEL left after this week.
  • Church Christmas Dinner is this Sunday!  Our Sunday night program this week is our annual Christmas dinner; hope to see you there!
Taking Root,

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Linked Up

It's been a while since I've shared links.  Here's just a few from my recent reading..

Established Churches and Inward Drift.  Only read this if you're feeling like being convicted...

Does my Daughter Dress Slutty? Preparing myself for the battles to come and entering into this tension that seems to have no definitive answer...

Kaepernick's Tattoos And My 90% Cotton Shirts. . . . Challenging thoughts on tattoos as this youth ministry professor discusses the media hype over the San Francisco 49'ers starting quarterbacks tattoo covered body and the impact it has on our spiritual lives.

The Need for Daddy. It's easy for guys to buy into their role as provider and forget the value of their presence.  I'm guilty at times; are you?

Taking Root,

Monday, December 3, 2012

This Week's Wins!

It was a LONG weekend in the Lawyer house as all 3 of us spent time being sick... NO FUN!  Still some great things happening at CCC!

  • 7 Additions!  I hated not being hear for Carson & Katie's baptisms, but exciting to see people meeting Christ through baptism and joining the church!  God is good!
  • Servant's Hearts!  I am very grateful to several people who stepped into fill the gaps I left on Sunday morning and evening.  Your response to last second requests are encouraging and I am glad to serve alongside people like you!  THANK YOU!
Taking Root,

Friday, November 30, 2012

Calling Teens with Mad Skillz

For our annual Shopping with Santa event for our children, we need some teen's (15-20) with servant's hearts to help out from 8:30 am to noon on December 8th.

We need several of you who can..

Flip pancakes
Help kids shop
Wrap gifts

I'm pretty sure most of you possess these mad skillz.. Leave a comment or text Blake to let him know you'll be there.

Taking Root,

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Teaching Your Children to Be Encouragers

The world can never have too many encouragers!  In today's world, it seems we see them less and less as our interactions become less and less personal.  Instilling this value in your kids starts like anything else:  modeling it!  I did, however, want to offer some practical ways to engage your child in being an encourager this time of year.

  • Talk to your child about who their favorite Sunday school teacher/small group leader is.  Have them write a note or get a small gift for that person thanking them.
  • A week or two after Christmas, ask your child about their favorite gift.  Have them write a note thanking the person that gave them their favorite gift.  Who knows, YOU might be encouraged.
  • Have siblings write down a list of things they like about each other.  You could also have them do an acrostic to describe the positive things about each other.
Encouragement comes more naturally during the holiday season, so take advantage of nurture this characteristic in your children!

Taking Root,

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

These feet got famous @ FUEL! Congrats 2 Ann 4 getting 7 people 2 sign ur stinky feet! #ccc

via Instagram

What's Up Wednesday

Apparently this is what happens to
reindeer that break the speed limit!
Here's 3 Things @ CCC to keep on your radar as we speed towards Christmas!

  1. Shopping With Santa
    December 8, 9:00 am -12:00 pm
  2. TCTC Sign-Ups
    January 11-13, $40 due by December 9 to reserve your spot.  More info HERE.
  3. Christmas Dinner
    December 9, 6:30 pm
If you have questions on any of these events, let us know!  There will be more details in newsletters, bulletins, etc!

Taking Root,

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I Wanna Be SIGNIFICANT... like Justin Bieber???

We're on week 3 of our series I WANNA BE.. and I'm pumped to talk about the story of Samuel!

Until then, check out Justin Bieber singing about a way that he finds his significance!

Taking Root,

Monday, November 26, 2012

This Week's Wins!

Thanksgiving slowed things down this week (A WIN in and of itself!), so there aren't a ton of things to highlight, but here's 3 wins I noticed!

On a side note, my Colts are winning quite a bit too thanks to this guy!

  • Our young adult small group had a game night this week and it was great to spend time laughing and enjoying each other's company!  I feel like our small groups are going to get more and more of these opportunities through the holidays, and that's where community happens!
  • I was a little jealous of a group that went to see The Story Tour at Southeast this past Friday!  I heard it was great and I'm offering up this link for you to check it out!
  • We had a little guy get hurt during Sunday Night Devotions; The WIN???  Seeing and hearing the other 20+ kids lifting him up in prayer and encouraging him.  GREAT stuff...
Taking Root,

Thursday, November 22, 2012

My Top 7 Thanksgiving "Wins"

We survived another year...

  1. Family
  2. Football
  3. Tryptophan
  4. Christmas Lists
  5. Naps
  6. Leftover Turkey Sandwiches
  7. Time Off
Enjoy the day!

Taking Root,

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What's Up Wednesday!

It's beginning to look a little bit like Christmas...
As I settle in for a week with family, football, and food, I'm looking forward to spending our 1st Christmas here in Campbellsville!  Here's some exciting things coming up...

Christmas Devotionals

What a unique idea to have a devotional written by and for people from our community!  These are scheduled to come out December 2, so pick one up for your family!

Shopping with Santa

Saturday, December 8 we partner with kids to do some gift shopping and have some fun!  The morning begins at 9 am.  Teens, we need several of you to help in hosting this event; call or text Blake to get involved.

Family Service Project

On Sunday night December 16 we will come together as a congregation and as families to make blankets to hand out to a few organizations around our area.  Don't miss out on this way to share the warmth of God's love!

No Activities Tonight

One last reminder that there are no activities tonight at CCC due to Thanksgiving.  Enjoy your time with family and see you Sunday!

Taking Root,

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Fall Retreat Photo Gallery

Gallery is empty

Who's Going to TCTC?!?!?!?

Calling all high school students!  

It's time to start thinking about what you will be doing January 11-13, 2013.

The Tennessee Christian Teen Convention is back and I'm excited to head to Gatlinburg for the experience!  Here's some details you need to know, so make your decision and get signed up ASAP so we can get ready for a great weekend in the mountains!

WHO:  Any and all HIGH SCHOOL students.  (I'll need a few chaperones as well if you're interested!)
WHAT:  An awesome convention & time away with the group! Plus a ton of great people there! Check out this poster..
WHEN:  Leave Friday, January 11.  Return Sunday, January 13.
WHERE:  The Gatlinburg Convention Center.  We will be staying in the Holiday Inn Resort.
HOW MUCH:  The cost is $80 plus cash for your meals on the trip.
DEADLINE:  $40 deposit to reserve your spot by December 9.  The remainder is due before leaving on the trip.

Taking Root,

Monday, November 19, 2012

This Week's Wins!

I've been slow on the blogging train as we hit our peak time of the semester!  No better way to jump back in than an issue of This Week's Wins!

This week in FUEL we challenged our teens to be leaders in the families, schools, and here at church that served rather than being served.  I'm excited to see what God inspires this generation to do!  I love watching God call people into leading their own lives and others into a more Christ-like life, and I'm praying for those he's calling now!

Crazy Sock Reading Day was a blast at Campbellsville Elementary!  For those of you who are maybe retired or the stay-at-home type, reading at the schools is a great way to engage our community relationally and love on children!  If you're interested in doing this, contact the schools and see what you can arrange!

I am so grateful to have been on the Fall Retreat this past weekend!  So many people pulled together to make this a great weekend!  Special thanks to our speaker, Matt Lee, and his family, the team from Johnson University, White Mills Christian Camp, and our amazing volunteer team from right here at CCC that made this weekend great!  The time we had to relate to each other, relax, and realign with God were an inspiration to many of us!  Oh yeah, WE HAD A LOT OF FUN TOO!  Pictures to come, but I haven't been able to get them all transfered over yet...  If you went this weekend and have photos, share them! For now, enjoy the champion individual goating photo from this weekend!

Taking Root,

Monday, November 5, 2012

This Week's Wins!

I had a TON of fun being a part of my first Trunk o Treat here at CCC!  We were able to meet over 2100 people as they came in costumes of all shapes and sizes!

Katelyn and I love having people at the house and it was great to have some high schoolers there Friday night!  As we told them, the doors are always open!  

Just for fun..

Who do you think get's the WIN this week?

Monday, October 29, 2012

This Week's Wins

I LOVE to write this post every week!  Exciting to see how the Gospel is changing lives each week here at CCC!  Here's some highlights:

This sugar cream pie is one of MANY things you all have done for pastor appreciation month!
It is so overwhelming to feel the love that you all have shared!

Snapped this photo during worship yesterday; a cool visual of the community we are blessed with!
I say the more the merrier!
Snapped this cool model of the Temple in our 4th and 5th grade guys  Root 2:52 group!
Bonus points if you can ID everything...

Cooper Hall squirms to the finish line as he wins a pizza party for his d-group at FUEL!
Taking Root,

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Good and Bad of The FLC

The Family Life Center is my favorite place in the whole church.

There is more life, energy, and happenings in this one room than many of the others combined.  People naturally gather here to have fun, to eat, and to be in community with each other.

And we want it to always be a safe place to do that.

The children and teens of CCC love running around this room and playing, throwing balls, and just burning steam.  Every once in a while, you might even see a big, goofy youth minister doing the same thing!

Here's where we need your help.

During program time, we as ministry staff and volunteers make it a priority to keep the time spent in the FLC safe.  However, before and after programming, it is impossible for us to be the policeman for the wide variety of ages of children and youth who enjoy the space.  So if it's not too much to ask, here's some basic suggestions to keep this a safe place:

No Running

No Throwing or Kicking Balls other than to play Basketball.

Let's work together to keep the FLC a place where everyone can have safe fun.

Taking Root,